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The Rhino Review: All Things 2A

Welcome to The Rhino Review: All Things 2A

Let's talk about guns, ammo, safety and anything Second Amendment related.

This is a place where we can discuss our thoughts, ideas and information about everything firearms related. I like guns. I like to instruct firearm safety and function. I believe that everyone who can legally own a firearm should have one, or two, or fifty +. You know, personal preference and all that jazz. Just make sure you stock up on ammo for everything you have. Guns can be an expensive melee weapon when you run out of ammo and have to start throwing them at your enemy.

Warning!!!! Most firearm topics are hot political talking points. I can 99.98% guarantee that if you believe that the government is doing the right thing for the common citizen, you will be offended by the contents of this page. If you disagree and want to post something, feel free. This is a place where you can do that, as long as you back your argument with facts and not heated emotion. Just one thing, don't post something that will cause an uproar and wuss out by being anonymous. If you have a position that isn't popular or if it is controversial (basically anything anti-2A), good for you. Stand up for what you believe. Now that the parameters are set:

1) Come on in.

2) Look around the site.

3) Drop a comment.

4) Buy a gun. (from Camarms preferably)

5) Buy some ammo. (again, from Camarms)

6) Let's have fun and solve all the world's problems. (You usually need gun to do that, though, so see #4 and #5.)

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